Dengan paket Wedding Organizer, berikut ini adalah pelayanan yang akan kamu dapatkan dalam membantu kamu mempersiapkan segalanya :
- Drafting rundown
- Coordination with all fixed vendors
- Technical Meeting (offline/online/hybrid)
- Full-day service on D-day (up to 16 hours)
- Coordination with the Groom and Bride’s family before D-day
- Wedding checklist on the D-day
- Teapai ceremony service (Chinese couple)
- Games groom (if needed)
- FREE transportation team for Kota Tangerang, DKI Jakarta, Kota Bekasi
- HT for all team WO
- FREE Voucher E-invitation by Littlecloud Organizer worth to IDR100k!
Wedding props :
- Groom challenge props
- 4 pcs confetti tubes
- Padlock Key
- Teapai Props (shuang xi sticker, paper cups, 4 ceramic glasses, 2 trays)
- 2 pcs Guest books
- Angpao kosong
- Mingle Basket
- Photo props support : teddy bear couple & artificial rose petals
- Misua (Chinese culture)
- Kain merah (Chinese culture)
- 2 pcs reserve stamps for civil registration on the day.
Tim Littlecloud yang akan bertugas dalam acaramu :
- 1 Captain (untuk hari H)
- 17 crew saat hari H tiba :
– 3 private assistant (1 Groom & Bride, 1 keluarga inti Bride & 1 keluarga inti Groom)
- 2 Runner & Checker
- 2 FnB Spv
- 1 Multimedia
- 1 Stage Spv
- 2 VIP
- 2 Parking Spv
- 1 Foyer Spv
- 3 Usher